Currently the weather set back the building, however, the base is ready (01. March) and the fences are up. I'm trying to imagine how much space I will have inside and what to grow in it. It's hard. This year will be an experiment. Whatever failed outside or in the greenhouse, will have another chance in the polytunnel. Such as babycorn, romanescu and cauliflower.
Íme a március elsejei állás illetve nehany kep. This is how it looks like on the first of March and some extra piccies:
bébikukorica - baby corn
karfiol - cauliflower
sárgadinnye - Melon
óriás tök - Giant pumpkin
mézbogyó - Honeyberry
füge - Figs
borsó - Peas
bab - Beans
Mindenesetre, biztos ami biztos alapon, vettem egy kisebb homokozót is bele, így a srácok remelhetőleg nem fognak unatkozni amig én dolgozom. Örömmel segitenek amúgy a locsolásban, de van, hogy elunják magukat kertészkedés közben.
Anyway, to be on the safe side I also bought small sandpit for the polytunnel. This way the boys will hopefully have fun and keep the boredom away while I work. They love to help with the watering but sometimes they get tired of the gardening.
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